New Residents
Welcome to the Village of Crivitz!
Garbage & Recycling
Garbage is collected on Wednesday except if it is a holiday then garbage is collected on Thursdays. Garbage will only be collected if it is in clear plastic bags and on the curb by 7am.
The recycling center is at 308 August St. They are open Wednesday and Saturday from 9am - 4pm. For information on what is and is not accepted click here.
Water & Sewer Utility
Account # Prefix Billing Cycle Months
001-000 Feb, May, Aug, Nov
002-000 Mar, Jun, Sept, Dec
031-000 Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct
032-000 Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct
Payment options:
Online - Click Here
In Office - 800 Henriette Ave
Drop Box - 800 Henriette Ave
Mail - PO Box 727 Crivitz, WI 54114
All village ordinances are available on the ordinance page but if you have any questions you can contact the Clerk's Office.
Key ordinances to know:
ATV-UTV & Snowmobile Routes & Rules
Animal Ordinances
Sexual Offender Restrictions
Noise Ordinance
The Village of Crivitz's polling place is the Village Hall at 800 Henriette Ave.
To register to vote or if you have questions please call the Clerk's Office or visit the elections page.
If you would like to be a poll worker please call the Clerk's Office or fill out the application by clicking here.
Emergency Warning Siren
There is a test of the Emergency Warning System on Fridays at 4pm.
When hear the siren do not call 911 unless you need emergency services.
Municipal Government
Regular board meetings are the 4th Wednesday of the month at 6pm.
Our committees are Administrative & Development, and Operational, meet the 2nd Wednesday. Zoning Board of Appeal and Board of Review meets as needed.
Compost Site
Located at the end of Gene Street residence can drop off leaves and small branches. Residence may also pick up compost year-round and occasionally wood chips.